Jackpot! Well, almost. But 7 out of 8? (Counting my also correct predictions for the other two biggies) That's some redemption! My Auring skills are back! Thank God. I can make a living out of this. No, seriously.
The Hostess, Ellen DeGeneres
I'm a huuuge fan, but I'll keep it unbiased. Ok, not really, 'coz I love Ellen to death and I will samurai anyone who will say she didn't do a good job. She might have been short of racy jokes, but that's Ellen, and that's what her daily viewers like about her. She can produce funny moments without being as extreme as Chris Rock, and without totally choking up after the monologue like Jon Stewart. She was awesome, and again, I will elbow-drop the fuck out of anybody who disagrees. Make me.
Best Picture, "The Departed"
Minus the fact that it holds the most attractive ensemble of the nominees, this movie just had it. It was barbaric, sadistic, surprisingly witty, and overwhelmingly sexy. Recipe for success!
George Lucas must be having the worst time ever.
Best Director, Martin Scorsese, "The Departed"
FI-NAL-LY! Ok, I don't really have the right to celebrate because I barely have seen any other of his work. (I always find myself snorring while attempting to finish The Aviator and Gangs of New York, and I have never seen Good Fellas - boo me!) But I just can't help but exclaim "YES!" when he won, especially when I know that Clint Eastwood is as sneaky as a TacoBell rodent. Ha, he could have snagged that one too! But it's for Scorsese to keep, at last. And it's about time he looks for a new leading lady down here in Texas. (ahem!) It's been a long time coming!
Best Actor, Forest Whitaker, "The Last King of Scotland"
Although he was a condiment to my almost perfect predictions, I will admit that I was still crossing my fingers, until the very last nano second, that the envelope would finally have Leonardo DiCaprio's name on it. But it didn't, and Forest took it. (With thankfully, a non-shaking and totally-made-sense speech this time.) Don't get me wrong, I like Forest Whitaker. He's my homeboy! I might have skipped his film, but not his wit and musical skills... which I adore. But as for Leo, my love? He's gorgeous and all, and I'm afraid he's on track to a Scorsese curse.
Best Actress, Dame Helen Mirren, "The Queen"
I have seen this film, and I tell you, it's creepy how her portrayal is spot on. Enough said.
Best Supporting Actor, Alan Arkin, "Little Miss Sunshine"
I was really pleased to see Alan Arkin up on stage. (Despite being the cost of my 87% prediction results, and putting the trophy ON THE FLOOR upon receiving it - haha, grandas.) But I was just kind of shocked. I mean, his presence on the movie wasn't in its entirety, yet he gets nominated over the more peculiar role given to Steve Carell, (totally not throwing tantrums here, because as you know, I love love love Steve Carell, but just saying...) and beats out early favorite Eddie Murphy (who, unfortunately, tested the Academy's decorum by the early release of '08 Razzie frontrunner, Norbit). But it's Alan Arkin. And he's 73. And his role was a heroin-snorting, foul-mouthed, energetic grandpa that we all wish we had. Of course, he's going to win.
They look like they just came from a wedding. So cute!
Best Supporting Actress, Jennifer Hudson, "Dreamgirls"
Among all winners, this and Best Actress were probably the most predictable of all. If all the other awards (there's a ton) aren't any indication that she had this in the bag, then I don't know what is. It was like watching a Mavericks game. There's a slim to none chance of losing at all. And while Fantasia (the bitch who beat her out on Idol) will forever be introduced as the "America Idol winner" (fine... or "Grammy nominee," let's give her that) J-Hud will now have the "Academy Award winning actress" tag eternally attached to her name. Ha, eat yo' heart out, 'Tasia! Ok, I'm just being mean. Nothing against Fantasia and her duck voice.
Best Adapted Screenplay, William Monahan, "The Departed"
While I also slamdunked on this one, I can't help but notice William Monahan's Forest Whitaker moment in the middle of the speech. I mean, you wrote for Martin Scorsese, your film was nominated a bunch of times, and you appear to have not expected the win? Come on, Willy, who are you kidding?
Best Original Screenplay, Michael Ardnt "Little Miss Sunshine"
I really thought it was a photo finish between this and The Departed for Best Picture. But the consolation prize isn't bad, it got what it truly deserved, a nod for originality and fearless forecast of a real domestic chaos. That's why I consider this my favorite of 2006. Yes, even surpassing the stunning cast (worth twice the mention) and brilliance of Scorsese's Academy Award winning craft. I mean, honestly. I'm a 20-something yuppie. I can't relate my life relations to those of mafia themed movies, although they're sexy (thrice) and enjoyable. Whereas in movies like this, there's this sense of realism that makes viewers feel comfortable of what seems to be abnormal in their own environment. So kudos to the Academy for favoring Little Miss Sunshine over Borat's courageous (and naked) hysterical expose'.
And can I just say...
• Nice choice of winners, (I could care less about the others but still) I commend The Academy for rockin' the votes.
• I so wanted to be Al Gore last night. Besides the multiple wins... Hand in hand with Leo? Ugh, he's overly blessed.
• Speaking of his gorgeousness, look at him with Kate Winslet! (my favorite British person) So pretty. And can you believe it? It's been exactly 10 years since Titanic won for Best Picture! And was it just a coincidence that Celine Dion was also present? Hahaha. You're totally singing that freakin' song in your head right now. We'll stay forevah this wayyyy.....
• And lastly, Best Supporting Actress nominee, Rinko Kukuchi. Our Asian cousin (with couture Chanel) redeems herself from that horrifying Golden Globes freakgown. Good job, san!
Alright. Awards season is over. Back to work for them, back to reality for me. I have SIX chapter tests this week and I've morphed into a bookworm. Yikes, very geeky. If you didn't see the Oscars, and are completely clueless of what I just talked about, I'm sorry. That was just me, enlarging my already bootylicious butt, doing some observations on TV, and gushing over Leonardo DiCaprio's Italian charm. Come back next time, I'm giving out Target giftcards, you don't want to miss that.