My name is Kai, I am 20-something years of age, was born in the polluted islands of the Philippines, was sent packing to downtown Dallas when GMA took over, and now permanently residing in the ghetto part of Valley Ranch, Irving, Texas. I'm currently in college, picking up where I left off some trashy years ago, pursuing a career in sports management or professional blogging.
In the real world, I'm popular for being the amazona with angelic features. But in the blogging community, I may be known as the witty, melodramatic, never-holding-back, narcissistic, cursing machine. In my [almost] three years of blogging, I've gained friends, enemies, a variety of emotional turmoils, merciless terrorism, and story-telling skills. At this point in my life, it's safe to say that blogging and I are presently in a coffee-graveyarder relationship. I can't survive without it, and blogging will be extremely dull without a dysfunctional mindset like mine. Totally.
1. When exactly did you start blogging? And why?
It was March 27th 2004, two minutes beyond two in the morning. I just came home from a wild night with friends. It was so wild I realized I've gone crazy in love with this Chinese-speaking California native slash Asian pop star that I had to create an outlet of emotional outburst.
2. So you want to be a journalist. Are you at all concerned about grammar, etc?
No. Because I'm not getting paid for it? I mean, common sense. Blogging allows me to curse - ALL THE FUCKIN' TIME - that's why I'm here. Why would I spend alloted time to tell you stories only to practice my writing skills? Can you imagine how boring my blog would be if I did that? And much to your concern, you might have noticed my over-usage of commas, parentheses, and bad words. I don't think any publication allows that kind of journalism.
PS: So Grammar Police... Scaramoosh!
3. What do you usually blog about?
I blog about everything. Life, TV, Movies, Sports, Kris Aquino and Yao Ming. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-ng.
4. What's you biggest pet peeve?
Extreme fragrances (that includes vanilla scent, farts and Asian markets). But since that doesn't matter here on the internet, I'll just say... WrItInG LiKe ThIs! OhMaHGaWd. ImSoAwEsOmE!!!
5. Do you have MySpace, Multiply, Friendster?
I do have a Multiply account, and it's the naked me in cyberspace. There you can see my fat ass all over, from strolling Vegas to checking out those Filipino actresses in a local California market joint. Also, there's my pathetic attempt on Movie reviewing, the practice of an Ebert-wannabe. My unconventional taste in music is showcased too, as well as a variety of videos that entertain me (and perhaps, me alone). No sex videos for you, I'm sorry.
Friendster is open to potential friends. As long as you promise not to bombard my page with glittery testimonies and video comments. Pet peeve #31.
And as for MySpace? I deleted it the moment Donald Trump asked to meet up with me. Creepy!!
Well, that's about it, folks! Must you earn the guts to ask me more, you know where to get at me. Email, snailmail, fax, text, IM, I don't bite. Just don't call me, especially when I'm eating. I can kill when disturbed. And yes, they're real! Ang hinaharap ko'y parang pwet daw ng bata. Seeya!